Dear you,
Today, I've been seeing an outpouring of love that I know is there everyday, but is vocalized vehemently during February 14.
You are my friend. You read this, and your motivations are your own, but I know that the consideration in which you respond to me speaks volumes of your nature.
You handle me with grace, dignity, and a level of wisdom that I am blessed with being able to witness. You don't scorn my petty emotions, make me feel more ridiculous than I know I'm being, or belittle my opinions. If anything, you indulge them, understanding that I will come to the same logical conclusion as you at the end of my rant. And yet, you give me nuggets of wisdom from your life experiences, empathize with my weaknesses, allow me to be.
This is more than I ever hoped to have from anyone.
So this is my outpouring of love to you. Thank you for all that you do. I see it, and I know it for the gift it is, even if I don't always say it.
I see you, and I love you.
i love you!