The last few days have been pretty impressive. Allow me to explain why.
Yesterday, I went to Disneyland with my friend Milla. She's down from school for spring break and loves to go but I'm always working or broke so I've never been able to experience it with her. Even though I couldn't do a lot of the super awesome rides because of my shoulder still recovering, I didn't want to miss out of this experience with her. We were like children. We both got our first pair of Mickey ears with our names on them, churros, sandwiches deep fried in the same way southern lovin' comes deep fried. We couldn't stop saying what a great day it was, how happy we were. Now, you need to understand; I'm often in a perpetual state of missing Milla. She's a mildly introverted genius that has been immersed in school for the last two years, so while I'm one of the lucky few that gets to see her when I show up on her doorstep with a bag and a smile, we don't get US time very often. Just the two of us. Openly talking about love and hope and when those things begin to fail we discuss the Divine.
She is one of my soul mates in this life, my Milla is. I tell her often how much I love her and lean over to kiss her cheek more than is necessary, trying to convey the depth of my appreciation that she is in my life. She's a wanderer, and I've known since meeting her that we would never have a traditional friendship, that she would be gone more than she'd be here, and that I'd love her fiercely when around. Like she needs to know. Like she needs to remember when she's out there in the great bigness that as long as she wants it, she'll never be alone.
Today we had lunch and hung out in her grandparents cake shop with her smiling aunt and fabulous uncle. As I've done most of my life, I immediately ingratiated myself with them. I can spot psuedo families a mile away. Even earlier that day I got a rare glimpse of her dad (he's a night-shift nurse), and when I walked in I shouted "PAPA-SAN!" and he smiled back, "DAUGHTER-SAN!" and gave me a big hug. We talked about empathy and people's confidence in you for awhile, and it was one of those mildly transcendent moments I'll look fondly at when I remember people I enjoy being similar to.
I felt like I was able to run away from my life for two days. Just the bad parts; the stress about my slow shoulder recovery, this big event for my small business on Sunday, the big scary new feelings I have for my boyfriend. At the end of the day, I'm just a girl with a jerry/jew curl wearing a mouse hat, arms linked with one of my dearhearts as we walk away from Fantastmic.
Everything else can suck it. :)
Okay...let me just say... "sandwiches deep fried in the same way southern lovin' comes deep fried." Sentences like that (and so many others, but I'll just mention that one) are the reason you don't need to bellyache over WHAT to write about. THIS is what you write about! Hearken back to the movie "Field of Dreams"--"build it and they will come." Well, write this one down in your book of life: "WRITE IT and they will come!"