Thursday, January 1, 2015


I ruminated on the year that had just passed by. It was, like it is for everyone, the beginning and the end of so many things, but there were more than the average notable occurrences. Most importantly, it was the last year I would ever be single (at least I hope). Really, who goes into marriage assuming that it’ll someday end? Not me. And not Sam, thankfully. We met in February and intend on walking through this life together. As a part of that, it was also the last year I would spend New Year’s Eve alone. It was the last year that I would feel lost from my path; nursing school has begun and as the culmination of four years of work, it feels like a big part of me that has been waiting to bloom has finally started to. It was the first year I lived without the fearsome pain of endometriosis, and had to live for 365 day the reality of never having a period, ovarian cysts, terrifying bleeding, suffocating pain, or the possibility (however slight) of giving birth to my own offspring.

It’s an odd thing, accepting that bit. It’s easy to accept something when you have the capability, and a little harder to swallow when it has been forcefully taken from you…more so when you yourself is the one who did the taking, to survive and thrive.

I realize I haven’t blogged in quite some time, and as I was talking to my friend Kathleen today, I realized why that was. Simply, it’s Sam. Blogging began as a way for me to expel my deepest self with force and words. I was unable to do it in regular life, primarily because I was too busy, or often because it was too much for me to reasonably expect my friends to listen to as I processed my life and feelings. Life is not easy, and I am poor, but instead of therapists or making my friends hate me, I turned to this venue. Writing it made it true. 

And now, honestly, I tell everything – EVERY SINGLE THING, that poor bastard – to Sam. He is in every way the best thing to happen to me. Also, the idea of spare time to write these days is a mirage, and I think that if I am going to devote a certain time of day to writing, it needs to be creatively, not just regurgitating the same things I’ve already verbally worked out with Sam or another friend.

I’ve decided a few things though. 2015 will be a big year that much is certain. Sam and I will be moving into our own place with a spare bedroom for our loves who need a place to land for a while. We will be getting married in May (the date isn’t known by many because we’re eloping and don’t want to cause a fuss), I’ll be completing my B.S in Nursing at the end of the year and beginning my preceptorship in anticipation of the NCLEX, and I’ve mentally committed myself to volunteering in a nursing home, ideally with hospice patients who don’t have their own family to sit with them.

I just watched a documentary called Serving Life, about inmates volunteering in Angola penitentiary’s hospice program, and what the warden said has stayed with me: it’s about taking care of each other in this life. I’ll dig your grave, and someone else is going to dig mine.

I’ll hold your hand and dig that grave for you, because I am capable of doing so, and not everyone is.  
There was a lot more that happened in 2014. Mental health advocacy for friends, cosigning on a car for a friend, refinancing my own, getting different health insurance (saving me thousands every year – THANKS OBAMA!), two knee surgeries, not missing a single day of nursing school despite those surgeries and still managing a 3.8 GPA, loving not only my life-partner but his family, road trips, tears, fears, and everything in between.

My best friend told me today that I am mellower these days. That Sam has calmed me down. Truly, I think that I am now tempered…that the fire of these last few years has done its job. I felt my blows. I hardened, and sharpened, and am formed in the best shape so as to slice.

So as to slice.

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