Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Love sustains.

I thought back on this year, thinking about doing some kind of yearly wrap up like I tend to do, and all I could really think was how thankful I am for the life I have.

It was a rough year, there was no denying it. I was hospitalized and had drawn out complications. I've been on a back-road financial potholed road now for almost the entire year. School while working full time. Being a CASA volunteer.

But at the end of it, every situation has given my more to be thankful for. Neighbors who I barely knew stood by me when I was ill, took care of my dogs, and helped me haul laundry when I came home because I couldn't carry it down the stairs by myself. My boss and coworkers with their tireless support. My family, ever vigilant and loving, sending me random cards or small care packages to help lighten the load and remind me that I am so completely and thoroughly loved.

I try to feel grateful every day, and this year has given me endless moments to look back on and be comforted. The human spirit is a remarkable thing, and I am fully aware that I am surrounded by shining examples of the best.

I wish you could see how big my heart is for you. How deeply I am grateful for your love. Thank you is a shallow offering, but know that I mean it as deep as my soul goes.

Thank you for loving me and letting me love you back. Everything I accomplish, I do so because you sustain me.

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