Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I hate liking boys, sometimes, especially when it explodes from like to full-blown crush status.

Because, really, I seriously like Cesar. As in, wish we were seriously dating. I have to catch myself from tilting up my face to kiss him when he hugs me goodbye because I'm so emotionally disposed to him.

But there are other guys that I'm interested in and, newsflash, actually interested in me! So here's the conundrum; even though it feels somehow wrong, and almost like cheating, should I go ahead and date these other guys because they're clearly into me, unlike Cesar? Hope for the best with them?

Because I wonder a few things. I make it sooo obvious, but what if Cesar is actually clueless to how I really feel about him and then later realizes it and I've already invested time and effort into a relationship with someone else? Would I ditch them for him? That's not fair to them. Should I even ethically try to get into a relationship with someone else when I'm so focused on him?


Please give me your opinions. I need advice.

Also, to allay the big question: Why don't I just TELL him? Because we work together, and I see him almost every day. If he flat out rejected me, I'd be burned but okay in a few days, but it's not fair to put him on the spot that way, and he could just pass off my flirting (like he has been) and continue to joke about it because he's not actually into me, and he's rather just keep it as an amicable working environment.

Fuck it, I'm just going to forget about him and move on.



  1. Here's my two cents: the guys worth going for are the ones you're really into. Period. Hold out for Cesar. If it turns out that he's not into you--fine. It sucks for the time being, but just trust me on this one; when you DO land one you really like, you'll know why there are no substitutes for doing it that way.

  2. you shouldn't just date someone cos they're sorta interested in you and you're interested in someone else.

    v. set·tled, set·tling, set·tles

    4. To restore calmness or comfort to.
